Atlanta’s Trusted Bus Accident Lawyer

Public transportation is a valuable and necessary part of any community, and millions of people make use of this service every day in the U.S. Bus operators are usually careful and responsible drivers who consider the safety of passengers, pedestrians, and other motorists, but accidents can and do happen. In 2021, there were 175 buses involved in fatal crashes across the United States.

After a crash, contact an Atlanta bus accident lawyer to discuss the details of your case and how they can help you recover damages for your injuries.

Georgia’s Fault System

Georgia uses a system called modified comparative fault. This means that more than one person can be legally responsible for an accident, and the portion of fault each party is assigned will impact their compensation. For example, an accident victim who is 20% responsible for an accident will have their financial award decreased by 20%. Anyone who is more than 49% responsible for an accident will lose their right to receive any damages in a lawsuit.

Rear-end collisions, t-bone accidents, rollovers, and pedestrian accidents occur too frequently as a result of careless or distracted bus driving. Let a Georgia bus accident attorney represent your interests and fight for the resolution you deserve.

The Challenges Facing Bus Accident Victims

The legal claim process after a bus accident is even more complex than accidents involving only passenger vehicles. Finding a bus accidents lawyer with extensive experience in this area of law can make the process easier for you.

Buses are larger and heavier than cars, making the damage caused more severe. Property damage and physical injury have the potential to be much more extensive after a bus accident.

Bus Accident Lawyer

In addition, Georgia bus drivers must have special operating licenses, and identifying the at-fault party can be more difficult because there are multiple entities involved, including:

  • Private bus companies
  • Company managers and corporate owners
  • City government agencies
  • Parts manufacturers
  • Bus mechanics

Another factor that could impact an individual injury claim is the number of other injured parties. Buses have high occupancy capacity, and accidents caused by a bus could also involve multiple other vehicles, considering their larger size. This is not likely to impact many factors of your case, but it may affect some elements of your injury claim and is something to keep in mind as you prepare for a settlement or lawsuit.

A Bus Accident Lawyer with the Experience and Integrity You Deserve

When you’re going up against insurance providers, private transportation companies, and government agencies, it’s easy to feel alone and outnumbered. Contact Flanagan Law when you need an experienced advocate on your side. Schedule a free consultation with us today.

Contact Attorney Flanagan

Your Most-Trusted Georgia Car Accident Attorney

As your car accident personal injury attorney, I take charge of the entire injury claim process from time of injury all the way to jury verdict. Our approach allows you to focus on what’s most important; getting back on your feet.