Few things are as difficult to cope with as losing a loved one to a tragic accident. Wrongful death claims provide a way for grieving family members to seek justice for their spouse, parent, or child. When you’re ready to file a claim on behalf of your loved one, you’ll want an attorney who knows how to navigate the legal system.
What is an Accidental Death Attorney?
Wrongful deaths are sometimes called accidental deaths, but the two terms are not exactly the same. There is an element of negligence or fault in a wrongful death, even though the circumstances are often called accidents. Accidental deaths, on the other hand, are not caused by any reckless, negligent, or willful behavior.
A wrongful death attorney is someone who represents the family member of a fatal accident victim. They are powerful allies in settlement, negotiation, and litigation processes to help grieving families recover during times of great sadness.
Wrongful Death Claims Process
In most cases, you only have two years from the date of your loved one’s death to file a wrongful death claim. Georgia law does have exceptions to this timeframe rule, including:
- If a government agency or representative is at fault for the death
- If an illegal act caused the death
Because there is a limited amount of time to file a claim, it’s better to get started as quickly as possible. So that’s step one—filing a wrongful death claim.
You will need to know who the at-fault person is. Depending on what caused your loved one’s death, this may be simple or very complex. Medical malpractice cases, for example, tend to be on the more complicated end of the spectrum.
Georgia does not require you to have an attorney in wrongful death cases, but we do recommend it. As Abrahma Lincoln famously said “a person who represents themselves has a fool for a client.” Your lawyer will help you complete many crucial tasks in preparation for settlement negotiations or trial, including:
- Gathering evidence
- Speaking with witnesses
- Analyzing documentation, such as medical records
- Working with expert witnesses
Your attorney should also keep you informed about the progress of your wrongful death claim. There are strict rules Georgia lawyers must follow when communicating with their clients, and these rules ensure you are involved in important decisions and understand what’s going on with your case.
Your Georgia Wrongful Death Lawyer
We understand how difficult it can be to stay strong when you’re facing crippling grief. You don’t have to bear the burden of a wrongful death claim alone. Allow us to handle the legal aspects of your loved one’s accident while you begin the hard work of rebuilding your life after loss. Schedule a free consultation today to discuss your case. We look forward to helping you get justice for your family.